Welcome to TUDelft's 3DEXPERIENCE Wiki!
This page functions as a compilation of resources and documentation for the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, and for CATIA in particular.
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The 3DEXPERIENCE platform is a solution for CAD (computer aided design), PLM (product lifecycle management), collaboration, information intelligence and simulation software, among others. By including all of these solutions in one platform, it makes work easier for big projects and business.
Notably, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform includes CATIA for its 3D modelling component. This CAD program is known for its versatility and ability to handle very large models, which is why it's very commonly used in the automotive and aerospace industry.
If you are affiliated with TUDelft and are enrolled in a Bachelor's project, you will have access to a workspace. Master's student can request access. If you are not affiliated with the university, you may purchase the Student versions here. They include access to the basic apps and some certification exams, so they're a pretty good deal.
If you have an account, you can enter the platform through go.3ds.com/educloud